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 Google Chrome Issue.

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PostSubject: Google Chrome Issue.   Google Chrome Issue. Icon_m10Sat 15 May 2021, 20:24


So Google Chrome has decided to add in a little update in their latest Chrome release.

It's not something in setting that you can turn off easily either.

You may have noticed the update on the Chatlands homepage, but just in case (if you're like me and rarely go to the Chatlands homepage), I'm posting it here for anyone that's using the Google Chrome browser.

But first I'll try and explain; Chrome 'build' 'Version 90.0.4430.212 (Official Build) (64-bit)', has an update where once you switch from one tab to another, it puts the tab to sleep, for other sites that are not chat based, it's not an issue, however, for Chatlands it is, as once a tab goes to sleep, it stops using recourses such as the connection to the internet, it 'pauses' that and once you switch to the tab that was once put into 'sleep' mode, it refreshes the connection, so for someone in a room that means you'll lose connection and be refreshed.

Now if you ask: 'But I use Spotify or YouTube or some streaming service and go off that tab and it doesn't lose connection, why does Chatlands?'
Uh well, I'm not one-hundred percent sure on this, but the music keeps it from going to sleep. That's a guess since the fix Underdog put in place apparently is just activating playing a low noise.

In short: The tab goes to sleep if you use/go to another tab. And refreshes the Chatlands tab once you go back to it. It's as if you've hit 'F5/Refresh.'

So on the Chatlands homepage, there's a fix, copy and pasting that information here:
Chatlands Homepage. wrote:
We've been plagued with a random refresh bug on Chatlands. The details seem to be that every once in a while your connection to a room will RESET and you end up reloading the room. It's annoying, and there might be a FIX.

Try this: when you enter a room type !patch. That will show a message telling you that you ran the patch. It will play a very low noise continuously that makes Chrome think that the tab is busy and it doesn't put it to "sleep".

I've tested that 'fix' and it seems to work. Just type the !patch command as soon as you enter and you should hopefully not get any random refreshed.

How to see your version of Chrome?
At the top right, there is three dots in a vertical line, click them.
Once you have, you'll see 'Help', at the bottom of the menu that pops out.
Over over that and another menu will pop out.
Click on 'About Google Chrome.'
A new tab will open and there you'll see your version of Chrome you have.

You alternatively can:
Copy and paste that in your Google Chrome browser and it will take you to your About Chrome page.


Posts : 689
Chat name(s) : Poltergeist and UKZ.

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